This service is an extension of your Product Design workflow and a supplement to our Product Visualization services. When a building design or product is in its final stages of approval, sometimes a physical prototype seals the deal.
With today’s technology, a 3d printer will take care of the construction of a prototype. Given that we have jointly developed a 3d model of your project, it is a small stretch for us to prepare the computer model for 3d printing. There are size limitations to a printed object due to the printer’s physical size, but that can be overcome by printing in smaller sections and reassembled at your desired scale.
This technology eliminates the need for an architect/designer to spend days/weeks building an architectural model. You can avoid having a skilled tradesman constructing furniture or machined metallic parts such as molds for a plastic prototype that might be redesigned when done. You can take the advantage of 3d printing the prototype at a fraction of the cost, multiple of times when needed and when approved, send off to construction or manufacture.